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Leo Dion (Host): Hey, Kyle, how are you doing?
[00:00:01] Kyle Newsome (Guest): I'm doing great. Thanks very much. It's unfortunately a slightly rainy day in Toronto here, but otherwise, a good mood.
[00:00:07] Leo Dion (Host): Yeah, same here. It's been a weird, cause. I don't know what Ontario's like, but Michigan. It's like one day was 80 degrees and then the next day dropped down to like 50 or 60
[00:00:18] Oh, sorry. That's Fahrenheit. But you get what I mean.
[00:00:20] Kyle Newsome (Guest): It's okay. I lived a little bit in the States, so I like can do the conversion. I know that like 70 is nice and comfortable. Eighties getting to hot sixties like not too bad.
[00:00:30] Leo Dion (Host): I think fall's finally here. Yeah, so another sign of fall is the new iPhones. Did you get anyone iPhone?
[00:00:38] Kyle Newsome (Guest): I got the new iPhone 11 pro max. Which I've been waiting to upgrade for a few years. So this is like my first experience with like the X, you know, edge to edge screen as well.
[00:00:49] Leo Dion (Host): What do you think of it?
[00:00:51] Kyle Newsome (Guest): Honestly, so far I'm pretty impressed with it and as much as people have complained about how the three lenses look, I actually think it looks pretty nice.
[00:00:58] They've done something good with the glass backing, so it looks pretty refined, so I can't really complain about that. I've played around with the camera and the night photography a little bit and it's pretty cool to see how much it can capture in low light.
[00:01:11] Leo Dion (Host): What did you have previously?
[00:01:13] Kyle Newsome (Guest): Previously I had the iPhone seven plus.
[00:01:17] Leo Dion (Host): Okay. And do you really like the max size?
[00:01:19] Kyle Newsome (Guest): You know, like I'm used to it in my hand now, so I can't complain. You know, for the longest time I didn't think that I would like it, but I believe when the seven plus was the only one that had the two cameras, and I was really interested in that functionality.
[00:01:32] So I upgraded to the largest one, and now I'm kind of used to it. But I think that both the regular size and the max size are both pretty good in terms of screen size you got. I'm just sort of used to this in my hand and I liked that when they at least made the change from the old ones to the new ones, they kept the size of the same and then just you got more screen space so it feels exactly the same as my old phone in my hand.
[00:01:56] Leo Dion (Host): Yeah, I was a plus size user and I loved that. And then I went to the 10s, not max. And I don't feel like I miss the size because the screen size is pretty much the same. But I was just curious, like if you see like a big advantage with the max.
[00:02:12] Kyle Newsome (Guest): No, I don't really think so. I guess it gets a little bit longer battery life, which is always nice, but otherwise, yeah, they both look pretty nice.
[00:02:20] I was sort of on the fence whether to go with one or the other, but I think ultimately it was kind of like hand feel that I just like, I was used to the weight and everything, so I just wanted to make a seamless transition like that.
[00:02:30] And the big selling point for me with the plus was the extra lens. And like now we don't have that.
[00:02:35] Leo Dion (Host): Like the extra selling point isn't there because he can pretty much get that with the regular pro. So like that was my big thing was I just want a really good camera. Like I don't have cameras anymore. Like I think I sold my DSLR and my other digital cameras a couple of years ago cause I wasn't really using them.
[00:02:54] And like the convenience of having an iPhone was always worthwhile to me. And like the dual came...