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Leo Dion (Host): Thank you for joining me for another episode, a empower apps. I'm your host, Leo Dion I'm with Brightdigit specializing in development in the Swift space and Apple space as well. Today we have with us, Jacob Corban. Hey Jacob, how are you doing?
Jacob Gorban (guest): Good. Thank you.
Leo Dion (Host): So Jacob, I've known you for, I wanna say like the first time we met would have been like release notes, maybe. Did you go to Release Notes?
Jacob Gorban (guest): I've been to all of them. Yes.
Leo Dion (Host): Yeah. That's probably the first time I met you back in 2015 back in the good old days when we actually like travel and go to conferences and stuff. I miss those days. I've done. Gosh, two conferences this year that have been I've spoken at that have been remote.
I've got. Three more conferences actually, by the end of the year that I'll be speaking at all remote, all from the convenience of this wonderful home office here, which has its advantages. Assuming nobody's home along with me, who's little and requires a lot of attention. I think we're kind of in the same boat actually.
There's there's been an adjustment for me, certainly because I have a lot of family members who live in this house. I don't know about you, but like I've worked for mostly for 12 years now. 10 years almost. So what's, what's new to me this year has just been dealing with like me and my wife scheduling and taking care of the kids while we're working, which you know, that's the big curve ball this year with COVID and everything with 2020.
How about you? Has there been any big adjustments working remotely this year? Well,
Jacob Gorban (guest): I was in this like a situation kind of as your, that I was already working remotely. I've been an Indie since 2009, like full-time Indie. So like on this front it was fine. Like I didn't have to adjust to working remotely.
But as you, as you have, like, I have like my kids and there's like a school age. They're not very small, so like it's easier, but. No, they were at home and most of the time I have my, one of my kids at home right now. And I could ask him to be quiet. It's like for the next door. Well, while we're your core is not bothering me with anything.
So there's none of that. It was like, it was fine.
Leo Dion (Host): Yeah. How long have you been an indie and kind of tell us a little bit about some of the stuff that you've been making over the last 15, 10 years.
Jacob Gorban (guest): Like I started dabbling in Mac development on the side, like how did t...