Episode description
Learn about REAL Success at https://www.bradlea.com/realsuccess
Rob Luna is confirmation that the American Dream is alive. He went from growing up hungry and battling the tough streets of Los Angeles, to becoming an Ivy League Alumnus and earning MBA degrees in two countries. His 22 years of experience includes consulting with companies such as Amazon, Google, and Facebook, managing money for some of the world’s wealthiest individuals, and building a multimillion-dollar business that was sold to a publicly traded company.
In this episode, Rob and Brad touch on the most important thing to you, YOUR MONEY. Learn from Rob about what to do, how to do it, and why to do it.
00:00 Intro
04:15 Find Rob Luna on Social Media @thelunarob
04:37 The Bitcoin Craze
12:56 “You have to have something in bitcoin.” - Rob Luna
15:10 Why do stocks fluctuate?
18:10 The power of Gold
22:06 Shout out to LightSpeed VT!
22:52 Bomb 1: Invest in yourself and start a business
26:24 Value the Freedom
27:17 Shout out to Grant Cardone
29:49 If you are a young investor, listen to this
33:44 Stay away from penny stocks
34:50 “I created my business not to be a billion dollar business but to be a 100 billion dollar business.” - Rob Luna
36:04 The Levels of Rob’s VT
38:48 Bomb 2: Teach people how to build a business and teach people how to have financial literacy
43:03 Rob in comparison to Axe Capital
44:54 Shout out to Glenn Stearns
49:10 The 4% rule
50:35 Go learn from Rob Luna’s VT and manage your money right https://www.robluna.com
58:01 Go to Luna Rob’s Youtube and check out his podcast
59:21 TYPE IN BOMBS to Rob’s VT and you’ll get money off