Jeff sits down with Jeffrey Bennett to discuss his new book On Teaching Science and how your students can have an astronaut read to them from the International Space Station.
About Big Kid ScienceBig Kid Science ( offers fun and scientifically accurate educational products, including award-winning books, school programs, author visits, and activities and resources for individuals, families, and classroom teachers.
Dr. Jeffrey Bennett ( is an astronomer and educator in Boulder, Colorado. He holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in astrophysics and a B.A. in biophysics. He is the recipient of the 2013 American Institute of Physics Science Communication Award and the Entertainment Industries Council Science Engineering and Technology (SET) Award. He is the author of On Teaching Science, Math for Life, and What Is Relativity? He is also the author of five award-winning children’s books about science, which are currently onboard the International Space Station being read by astronauts as a part of Story Time From Space (