Welcome to our first show in front of a live audience! And what a special night it was! In this (longer than normal) episode, we were inspired by Freakshows and decided to talk about people with weird abilities. Once the audience settles down and we go through drinking game rules, Cody starts things off with the story of a woman who claimed she could smell Parkinson’s Disease… Yeah. Next, Chris talks about creepy faces, known as the Faces of Belméz, that are projected from a woman onto her kitchen floor. Cody then discusses two real-life firestarters. Speaking of fire, Chris’s next story is about John Irving Bentley, a victim of Spontaneous Human Combustion. Cody then shares the story that was the inspiration for our whole theme: The Minnesota Ice Woman. Chris finishes things up by discussing Mexican folklore (more specifically, a creature known as La Lechuza). For Creep of the Week, we are joined by our friend Liliana Espinoza, who shares a personal, touching story. Drinks for this special night are Melodramatic Red Blend and True Colors wine.