What teacher doesn’t love a good hack? We’ve all got more than enough on our plates, so anytime we can simplify a task to save us time, while still being effective in our teaching, it’s a BIG win.
Today’s hack is brought to you by part four of our “The Best Thing I Ever Taught Series” - sub plans!
We’re sharing our 5-step approach to stress-free sub plans that you can use time and time again.
The best part of these plans are that they model good teaching. You’ll be able to take care of yourself while also leaving plans that are reasonable, yet have high expectations and will keep moving students’ learning forward. You’ll be able to return to class without missing a beat!
Have you registered for our FREE masterclass with live Q&A yet? You’ll hear our three key strategies for making formative assessments work for you in the way that you need them to. Sign up here.
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