If you’ve been racking your brain for a way to approach a Shakespeare unit in a way that is engaging and impactful for your students, then you’ll want to stick around. This episode is a conversation between Amanda and one of her coaching clients, Kelsi. You’ll get to hear them give all the juicy details about an incredible unit that they designed together.
Kelsi initially came to Amanda for help because her English course was extremely standards-based and focused on teaching for mastery (aka, drill, drill, drill for state testing). She was struggling to create units that made sense, but were also purposeful and met her students’ needs and interests.
A Shakespeare unit was coming up and Kelsi desperately wanted to find a way to teach it in an innovative way. So, her and Amanda came together to create a unit that paired Macbeth with Long Way Down, by Jason Reynolds.
Not to spoil anything, but…the results were magic.
In comparing the two texts, they came up with an engaging essential question that was perfect for Kelsi's group of Sophomores. Inside the episode, Kelsi shares the step-by-step specifics of how she structured this unit, which routines she implemented, and how she assessed her students’ learning.
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