We’re on this podcast for a lot of reasons, and one of them is to unpack one of the most powerful and often underutilized genres in the ELA curriculum world, and that is biography and memoir. In our last episode, we began making our passionate case for biography and memoir. If you missed it, you can check it out here.
We’re continuing that conversation today so that you can get even more excited to join our upcoming virtual workshop on teaching memoir and biography. Tickets start at just $7 and we would love to have you join us!
We really want this episode to serve as your initial brainstorming so that when you come to the workshop, you are feeling prepared and have ideas ready to go.
When we’re talking about how to effectively approach this genre, it all starts with essential questions. If it feels challenging to craft essential questions for biography and memoir, don’t worry, we have lots of ideas for how you can do this with intention. In fact, we have three specific approaches to creating a unit around biography and memoir that we'll share with you in this episode.
Register for our virtual workshop on teaching biography and memoir: https://www.curriculumrehab.com/biographyandmemoir
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