Do you ever feel like the position you are currently in as an educator just doesn’t quite fit? Maybe it’s because of the grade level you’re in, the specific school you work at, or the colleagues that you work with.
Whatever the reason, if where you are in your career as an educator doesn’t feel right, you don’t have to stay there. If your passion is teaching, and you know you want to stay in this career, there are lots of shifts that you can make while still staying in the classroom.
You’ll hear from Darin Nakakihara in today’s interview, who has experienced several shifts in his career until finding the one that was perfect for him. Darin shares his advice on the first steps to take if you want to be in the classroom, but you just don’t fit where you currently are.
Darin (Mr. N) is a high school teacher in Southern California. He loves connecting with students and building relationships and community, and his passion for education comes through in all he does. When he is not teaching you can catch him fishing, building amazing edtech tools, or spending time with his family.
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