We say it each week in our podcast intro: Brave New Teaching is so much more than a podcast. We consider you part of our BNT family and that’s why we want to share a more personal episode with you today.
We recently attended the TPT conference together in sunny San Diego, California and brought our mics along so you could join in on the fun. We are bringing you behind the scenes of special moments from the trip from reuniting at the airport to touring Marie’s house and more.
We are beyond excited every time we get to see each other in person and grateful for the friendship we’ve created. We hope you are able to find YOUR person like we have found in each other.
If you love this behind-the-scenes content, hop on over to Happy Hour where you’ll find an extended episode of our trip (plus lots of other fun and helpful content!). We also have lots of incredible episodes coming up for the back-to-school season, so stay tuned!
Show Notes: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode214
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