Halt, vagrant! Hailest thou from the tribe of the latinx? Or ypipo? LGBTQIA2+ or cishet? Art thou based, or cringe? Don thine helmet and draw thy sword, for this week on Blocked And Reported, we defend our honor!
First, Katie Herzog duketh it out with Jesse Singal to determine who shall inherit the kingdom of Blocked And Reported in the event one of them should die. Then, Jesse attacketh the honor of Ed Yong, highly decorated knight of journalism and recipient of a Pulitzer medal. Alas, Jesse striketh at his most subpar front-page article for The Atlantic, laying bare its inaccuracy for all to see.
Then, the denizens of Twitter come after Jesse Singal for his coverage of the St. Louis Transgender Center. After Jamie Reed laid bare its most dishonorable treatment of trans children, it attempteth to repair its honor by investigating itself and finding itself innocent! But by doing so, our intrepid duo expose even more of its dishonest acts…
And finally, TikToker @jackielabonita is mocked at a baseball game, leading the dezinens of the ‘net to come to the defense of the poor maiden’s honor — including none other than legendary bard Cardius of B. But why hath honor culture suddenly returned to America of all places? What if it were white women who hath mocked a black woman? Do Jewish gamers have honor culture? Listen in as our brave knights don their philologist hats and investigate!
Also there are bears f*****g for some reason???
The links Katie clicked
New York Post: “Conor Skelding loses battle with cancer”
The episode of ours that led to the viewer responses
The Ed Yong Debunking
The Atlantic’s story on 1/5 healthcare workers quitting due to COVID
The survey cited
A debunking of this claim
Jesse Singal & Bari Weiss EXPOSED
The callout
The article they’re citing, accidentally proving Jesse right
NBC News article on the case
Jesse’s articles on the Transgender Center
Defining “reasonable care”
Why you shouldn’t trust the right-wingers’ investigations, either
Missouri restricting transition care for adults
The new emergency regulations
Katie’s leaked yearbook photo
The “girl-on-girl action” at a baseball game that started it all
Twitter’s massive reaction
Even Cardi B gets involved
Cultures of honor
The Insider article on the blowup
Other commentators weigh in
Freddie DeBoer on online shaming