Tonight’s guest, R.K., works in the oil field business, which requires him to work a lot of hours. When he’s not working, though, he loves nothing more than spending time in the woods. He’s an avid hunter and fisherman who, as he puts it, spends time outdoors every chance he gets.
He likes to visit different places, in his area, to see what the hunting and fishing is like in those spots. 1 time, when he had agreed to meet his dad and uncle, who had already gone on a fishing trip, he had more fun than he bargained for, before he even met up with them. The day he was supposed to meet up with them, he left his house just before sunrise. It was roughly a 2-hour drive for R.K. to get to the place where his dad and uncle were fishing, that day. To get to their location from R.K.”s house, normally, there were 2 options. Under normal circumstances, you could take a fairy, or you could take a longer, more circuitous route, that took longer, to get to their fishing location. The morning R.K. drove to meet them, the fairy was out of operation, so that wasn’t an option. That meant he had to take the longer route. While driving the longer route, nothing out of the ordinary had happened, as he drove to their location. That all changed, though, when he came around a bend in the road and started crossing a bridge and found himself in a more open area, where he could see a good distance. At that moment, he happened to look to his left and when he did, he thought he saw a bear, standing out in the water, below. It wasn’t long before he realized that he wasn’t looking at a bear, however. He was looking at a creature he’d never seen before. It was a Sasquatch!
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