Entrustable Professional Activities, or EPAs, is a term you may have heard…or maybe not. EPAs represent a tectonic shift in surgical training and how residents will be evaluated. So, what are EPAs? How will they affect you? And what do you need to know? We sat down with Dr. George Sarosi, previous member of the ABS EPA Advisory Council and current General Surgery Residency Program Director at the University of Florida, to answer all of our questions now that EPAs are here.
Guests: George Sarosi, MD- Professor of Surgery and General Surgery Residency Program Director- University of Florida Patrick Georgoff, MD- Trauma Surgery and Surgical Critical Care- WakeMed Hospital; Co-director and Host of Behind the Knife Jessica Millar, MD- General Surgery Resident- University of Michigan; Education Fellow- Behind the Knife Daniel Scheese, MD- General Surgery Resident- Virginia Commonwealth University; Education Fellow- Behind the Knife