You’ve finally submitted your ERAS application! As residency programs start to review your application, it’s time to start preparing for the next step- the interview. Join our education fellow, Dr. Jessica Millar, and Dr. Jeremy Lipman as they go over all the ways to start preparing to dominate your interviews.
Guests: Jeremy Lipman, MD, MHPE- Professor of Colorectal Surgery, Designated Institutional Official, Director of Graduate Medical Education, and previous General Surgery Residency Program Director- Cleveland Clinic, OH
Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions:
· “Tell me about yourself”- have a 2-3 minute “elevator talk” rehearsed
· “Where do you see yourself in 5/10-years”
· “Why surgery?”
· “Tell me about a challenge you’ve had to overcome”
· “Tell me about a difficulty patient/team situation you’ve witnessed”- key here is to not throw anyone under the bus
· “Why are you interested in our program”
AAMC List of Common Interview Questions:
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