In this episode of Behind the Knife the vascular surgery subspecialty team discusses a case of an infected endovascular aortic graft. Although rare, aortic graft infections remain a devastating complication. What options do you have to fix this problem? In this episode, we will cover the who is at risk of this, how they present, and what options you have to fix it. Hosts:
Dr. Bobby Beaulieu is an Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery at the University of Michigan
Dr. Frank Davis is an Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery at the University of Michigan
Dr. David Schechtman is a Vascular Surgery Fellow at the University of Michigan
Dr. Drew Braet is a PGY-3 Integrated Vascular Surgery Resident at the University of Michigan
Learning Objectives
· Understand the incidence of and the relevant risk factors for aortic graft infections
· Review the spectrum of presenting symptoms and relevant workup for aortic graft infections
· Understand surgical treatment options including options for in-situ bypass and extra-anatomic bypass
· Review the different conduits that can be used for in-situ and extra-anatomic reconstruction
· Discuss relevant post-operative considerations for patients undergoing operative intervention for aortic graft infection
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· Bisdas T, Bredt M, Pichlmaier M, Aper T, Wilhelmi M, Bisdas S, Haverich A, Teebken OE. Eight-year experience with cryopreserved arterial homografts for the in situ reconstruction of abdominal aortic infections. J Vasc Surg. 2010 Aug;52(2):323-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2010.02.277. Epub 2010 Jun 8. PMID: 20570473.
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· Reinders Folmer E.I., Von Meijenfeldt G.C.I., Van der Laan M.J., Glaudemans A.W.J.M., Slart R.H.J.A., Saleem B.R., Zeebregts C.J. Diagnostic Imaging in Vascular Graft Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Eur. J. Vasc. Endovasc. Surg. 2018;56:719–729. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2018.07.010.
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