“Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Are you tired of that ditty? We are. How are you supposed to know what you love if we don’t 100% know who we are?
“Know thyself” is a maxim that has been central to Western civilization for the last 2500 years. It has been pervasive in philosophy over the ages and more recently in psychology. Who are we? Who am I? These questions blend nicely with understanding why we do what we do, a foundational question in behavioral science. And it is with this curiosity that cohosts Kurt Nelson, PhD and Tim Houlihan delve into the mysteries of who we think we are.
More importantly, this episode is interested in honest self-discovery: the answer to the question: who am I? To help you answer that, we humbly submit a series of questions and reflections for your consideration, for the purpose of having a clearer sense of who I am. (At least at the moment.)
We use three sets of reflections for you to consider:
We also talk about the nature of memories, the present moment, and ways our future aspirations influence who we are. We even discuss Dr. Bryan Lowery’s idea that who we are is largely influenced by the people around us. (Talk about mind-bending!)
By reflecting on these questions and our general discussion, we hope that Groovers can discover a clearer picture of who you are and that these reflections will lead you to a more perfect version of knowing thyself, as Socrates might say.
© 2023 Behavioral Grooves, LLC
Behavioral Grooves Website: www.behavioralgrooves.com
Ethan Hawke TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/ethan_hawke_give_yourself_permission_to_be_creative?language=en
Bhagavad Gita: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavad_Gita
Hal Hershfield Episode 369: https://behavioralgrooves.com/episode/your-future-self-hal-hershfield/
Brené Brown: https://brenebrown.com/
Brian Lowery Episode 312: https://behavioralgrooves.com/episode/meaning-in-life-brian-lowery/
Self-Serving Bias: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-serving_bias
Fundamental Attribution Error: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error
Motivated Reasoning: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motivated_reasoning
Confirmation Bias: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias
Intention-Action Gap: https://thedecisionlab.com/reference-guide/psychology/intention-action-gap
Know Thyself Questions:
Finding Energy and Satisfaction Questions (Enhancers: What You Love To Do)
Avoiding Negative Emotion Questions (Detractors: What You Hate To Do)
Living in this World Questions (Necessities: What You Have To Do)
Your responses and reflections should be as honest and truthful as possible. Try your best to not be tainted by your biases. A clearer picture will help you identify the key areas that drive you.
Examine your self through the lens of what you love to do, what you hate to do, and what you have to do.
Write out a 7-word value statement that defines who you are at the core.
(0:07) Understanding “Know Thyself” through history.
(5:00) Personal growth throughout history.
(11:28) Understanding one's true identity.
(19:33) Understanding one's biases.
(25:03) Self-awareness and personal growth.
(31:50) Finding your groove.
© 2023 Behavioral Grooves, LLC