American goldfinches are beautiful and fascinating songbirds that can be found over most of the continent. Their late nesting season and almost exclusively seed-based diet, even as nestlings, make them unique among our songbirds. They are also easy to attract to our properties. I talk about all those things and much more in this episode.
The full transcript, including additional pictures, can be found on the episode’s webpage:
Incorporating native plants into your landscape is a great way to improve the habitat in your yard for butterflies, hummingbirds, songbirds, and just about every other type of animal that visits your property. If you want to learn more about gardening with native plants, then I’d like to give you a free copy of our e-book, An Introduction to Gardening with Native Plants: Hardiness Zones and Ecoregions. Just go to to request your copy.
Until next week I encourage you to take some time to explore the nature in your yard and community.
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