Did you know that common milkweed isn’t native to Georgia? Or that there are many native plants which can be grown in large pots on a patio or balcony? Or that some simple “cues to care” can significantly change how a native plant garden is perceived by others?
I originally recorded this conversation with Jennifer Ceska in the spring of 2022. A year and a half later it is, by far, my most downloaded episode to date. We had an amazing conversation that covered a wide range of topics related to gardening with native plants. So, I thought I would reshare it with the transcript so that those who missed it the first time or who prefer to read the transcripts can enjoy it too.
Jennifer is a Conservation Coordinator with the State Botanical Garden of Georgia at the University of Georgia, Athens.
The full transcript of this episode can be found at: https://www.backyardecology.net/reshare-gardening-with-native-plants
Until next week I encourage you to take some time to explore the nature in your yard and community.
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Anthony and I have been exploring new ways to better serve you. Our group coaching programs have evolved out of our desire to help you and other members of our Backyard Ecology audience in a deeper, more personal way. These are offered on a seasonal basis and are designed to address some of our most asked questions in a way that allows you to ask questions and get personalized feedback for your unique situation. If you want to learn more about our group coaching programs, go to https://www.backyardecology.net/group-coaching/.
And, if you’re listening to this episode shortly after it goes live and want help designing your pollinator and wildlife garden, then you’re in luck. Our next group coaching program, Design Your Pollinator and Wildlife Oasis: Garden-sized Plots, starts in just a few days. But don’t wait, registration closes on October 9, 2023, and we don’t plan to offer this specific group coaching program again until at least the summer of 2024.
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Thank you to our supporters on Patreon who go above and beyond each month to financially contribute towards making the Backyard Ecology blog, podcast, and YouTube channel possible. Thank you also to everyone who has made one-time donations to support the Backyard Ecology blog, podcast, and YouTube channel.
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Episode Links:
🦋 Jennifer’s email: jceska@uga.edu
🦋 Best Milkweed for Georgia Gardens brochure: https://botgarden.uga.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/milkweedinformation.pdf
🦋 State Botanical Garden of Georgia: https://botgarden.uga.edu/
🦋 Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance: https://botgarden.uga.edu/conservation-science/georgia-plant-conservation-alliance/
🦋 Georgia Native Plant Initiative: https://botgarden.uga.edu/conservation-science/georgia-native-plant-initiative/
🦋 Connect to Protect: https://botgarden.uga.edu/conservation-science/connect-to-protect/
🦋 Georgia Pollinator Plants of the Year Program: https://botgarden.uga.edu/conservation-science/pollinator-plant-program/
🦋 Georgia Grasslands Initiative iNaturalist project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/georgia-grasslands-initiative-ggi
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