Lawn care probably isn’t the first thing you think of when you think about backyard ecology. Honestly, it isn’t for me either. But it is something that most of us have to deal with in one way or another whether we do it ourselves or hire someone to do it for us.
And I don’t know about you, but lawn equipment in general, much less battery powered lawn equipment, is not my area of expertise. That’s why when I heard about a landscaping company which specializes in low impact lawn care and has transitioned to all battery powered equipment, I became intrigued.
Anthony and I have some battery powered lawn care equipment, but we’ve always shied away from battery powered lawn mowers. We just didn’t think battery powered lawn mowers could handle our uneven, rough, hilly yard. But if this company was using all battery powered equipment on a commercial scale, then maybe we needed to rethink our assumptions for our own yard.
Maybe you’re in a similar boat and are trying to decide if battery powered is the way to go for your next piece of lawn equipment. Or maybe you’d like to be able to hire someone who approaches lawn care from a more ecological perspective but don’t know how to find that person or the questions to ask. If so, then this episode is for you.
In this episode, we are talking to Richard McCoy. Richard is the owner and operator of McCoy Horticultural Services. In the last couple of years, his business has transitioned from traditional gas powered lawn care equipment to battery powered equipment. His company also specializes in organic and low impact lawn care. Our conversation covered a number of topics related to battery powered lawn care equipment, vetting a land care contractor, and low impact lawn care. I appreciate Richard sharing his expertise and experiences with us.
[2:58] Richard’s story about how he got to where he is now
[6:05] Compost, manure and the need to ask “why” and never stop learning
[9:07] The transition from gas powered to battery powered lawn equipment
[13:42] Battery powered lawn tool certification organizations
[14:15] Are there instances when gas is a better option than battery powered equipment?
[16:18] Basic guidelines for creating an ecologically sound landscape
[18:22] Real world example of battery powered lawn equipment in use
[20:09] How ecological lawncare differs from traditional lawncare
[22:38] Battery powered lawn care equipment is on par with gasoline powered equipment, except for backpack leaf blowers
[27:18] How homeowners can transition to battery powered lawn equipment
[30:46] Challenges in ecological lawncare
[31:36] Vetting a lawncare service and how to educate yourself
[34:30] Beyond going electric – incorporating native plants
[36:00] Putting it all together and having not just a yard but an ecosystem
[37:43] Plant the species that are native to your area
[39:02] Discussing the complexity of plant communities
[41:39] How homeowners should plan their landscape
[42:11] What is native and why does it matter
[45:08] Ways landowners can find native plants for sale
[46:44] The importance of understanding soil
If you are looking for some simple, quick and easy ways to make your yard more attractive to pollinators and wildlife, you may want to check out my newest book, Attract Pollinators and Wildlife to Your Yard: 15 Free and Easy Ways. You can learn more about the book and place your order at .
Until next week, I encourage you to take some time to enjoy the nature in your own yard and community.
Richard’s Information: