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🐬 A Rational Fear is supported in part by Australian Ethical
G'day Fearmongers —.
👑The Australian Monarchist League making demands of Netflix.
🎥 Sylvester Stallone's new Reality Project.
🏆 Sean Penn giving Volodymyr Zelensky an Oscar®.
🇺🇸 The US Mid-term elections.
With fellow fearmongers Matt Bevan (Russia If You're Listening), Cam James (Finding Yeezus), Dan Ilic (me), Lewis Hobba (Australia's Best Competition, Competition) and Alison Piotrowski (Nine's US Correspondent).
Thanks so much for listening!
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🐬 A Rational Fear is supported in part by Australian Ethical
Lewis Hobba 0:00
This podcast is supported in part by Australian ethical. Oh,
Matt Bevan 0:04
good morning. Not good morning. Good evening, Louis.
Lewis Hobba 0:07
Well, depending on when you're listening to this podcast Good evening, good morning. Good day to you.
Matt Bevan 0:14
Yeah, exactly. Well, we are going to be talking to Allison Petroski a little later on in the program and her time when we're talking to her. It's 4am So she's in Washington DC, so I don't know if she's had a good morning so far but we'll find out when we talk to her in half an hour.
Lewis Hobba 0:29
Wow. Right we the midterm results flowing in Yeah, imagine cheat, we probably haven't got her up. She'd be awake anyway,
Matt Bevan 0:34
she said, I just want to get to bed, Dan, but for you, I'll do it. Anyway, there's a big thanks to Australian ethical who help us do what we do here on irrational fear. Also some other folks who also help us out, including our Patreon supporters, including Sonya, exclamation mark, Patric, Kate, and Chad. Thank you for new Patreon supporters. Big thank you to you guys, Chip. Again, as you'll see, a little later on the show. I started to spend Patreon money on frivolous things. And it's that kind of money that keeps the show on the air. And a little later on, we'll talk a little bit about, you know, being nominated for a podcast award. Very excited.
Lewis Hobba 1:12
Is that right? Yeah,
Matt Bevan 1:13
surely you know this, Louis?
Lewis Hobba 1:15
I found out because you sent me an email to invite me I was thrilled.
Matt Bevan 1:18
I'm recording my end of irrational fear and getting Atlanta the urination. Sovereignty was never seated. We did a treaty. Let's stop the show.
Unknown Speaker 1:26
A rational fear contains naughty words like bricks can rub off. Fed COMM And section 40 of our rational view recommended listening by immature audiences.
Matt Bevan 1:39
Tonight, the US midterm elections causes a rise in serious journalists saying the word gubernatorial and Vogue Sue's Drake for making a parody of a magazine cover despite no one suing vogue for making a parody of a fashion magazine. And Anthony Albanese is set to meet President Zhi Jing ping at the G 20. Summit Alamo will present the Chinese president with an album by gang of us and G will present albeau with an ultimatum fit for a capitalist lapdog of American imperialism, and a lovely pair of shoes made by a gang of detained dudes. It's the 11th of November and we're not afraid to go lower than Bitcoin. This is a rational fear.
Hello, welcome to irrational fear. My name is Daniel H. I am the CO creator of the den Andrews Tuesday program. And this is the podcast that is nominated for one of the best comedy podcasts in Australia for 2022.
Lewis Hobba 2:47
That's crazy.
Matt Bevan 2:49
Yeah, because there are so many comedy podcasts. I don't know how we did it. Yeah, we'll talk about
Lewis Hobba 2:54
there. I don't mean to say that we're a shit podcast, but there are so many great podcasts.
Matt Bevan 2:58
We'll talk a little bit more about it in a second. But I just want to introduce you to our fear mongers for tonight. They two very highly successful podcasters but they are also Newcastle's fourth and fifth favorite sons from the podcast, Russia. If you're listening, it's Matt Bevin and from the web series finding years this is cam James. Hey,
Cam James 3:20
thanks for having us feeling very gubernatorial tonight. So thank you.
Matt Bevan 3:23
Yeah, I'm very excited. First longtime listener first time Fira, I guess you know, terrified person. People on the show, what are you talking about? What is what is it? A few years? younger female.
Lewis Hobba 3:38
You're supposed to create the fear, man. Yeah, you're not supposed to feel the fear you
Matt Bevan 3:43
bring the fear? Yeah, bring it.
Lewis Hobba 3:46
I didn't actually know you were both from Newcastle. Yeah, who's above you? I guess the three John's brothers. And Daniel Jones.
Cam James 3:53
Are we counting Daniel? Daniel as a sibling to Maddie and Andrew.
Matt Bevan 3:59
Three John's brothers could family is the other one. Generally ranks above us.
Cam James 4:05
You met Doug McDougal. I don't know if he's from there. Reese Nicholson. Comedian. He's from Merrill. Yes, yes.
Matt Bevan 4:11
So I've I've an anecdote about reasoning, because here we go. Do you want a quick anecdote about reasons. So reason Nicholson and I were in community theater together. And the community theater that we were at, would do a thing where they would, in order to give as many kids a turn as possible. They would set up two casts for each show, and then you sort of take turns performance. And Reese and I were both the lion in the Wizard of Oz, taking turns being the lone, but that meant that we had to share the same lion suit beautiful. And the show was done in like October, November of a very hot year. And so Reese and I both lost several kilos, doing that roll into the suit. And yeah, and you shared that suit around for quite some time, so yes, reason I share a bond that few other people share
Cam James 5:05
thicker than thicker than a bond lion
Lewis Hobba 5:10
where the phrase lion's share comes from Newcastle theater.
Matt Bevan 5:17
I met when, when the lion news broke last week, did you have an inkling or an urge to jump on the jog? Get in the line suit and negotiate on behalf of lions in Taronga Zoo. Yeah, I had a feeling that it was something there was something lion related happening and
Cam James 5:30
Soluna race just texted to check in.
Matt Bevan 5:33
We don't need to text we just sort of communicate telepathically. But yeah, I'm sure I'm sure I could have sorted it out at least better than the Mosman police station. We are nominated for a podcast at the Australian Podcast Awards. And I wanted to you've mentioned that I just I just wanted to bring this up because it's something interesting that someone pointed out to me one of Shannon marinko, who is the co host of the Xero project sent me this link apparently sports bet has odds on for
Lewis Hobba 6:05
most of the awards to sports but have a podcast?
Matt Bevan 6:08
Definitely should comedians need work. And that's all they employ at the moment.
Lewis Hobba 6:13
Get the three John's brothers.
Cam James 6:16
Look at this on the John's triplets.
Matt Bevan 6:18
We're paying $2.20 And then probably the big the biggest podcast out of this with the one of the most listeners Tony and Ryan, who's got hundreds of 1000s of listeners. They're paying $7 I don't know how that I think that's all wrong. Surely
Lewis Hobba 6:33
that if I was a gambling person I I'd quickly put a lot of money on. Yeah,
Matt Bevan 6:40
I am actually thrilled that you guys are nominated for Best Comedy podcasts because you guys do quite a lot of climate content, obviously on the show and you could have decided to nominate yourselves for the climate. Matt Bevin I paid $200 of the petro money to apply for the climate award and we didn't even get oh well you're not in this category. I'm interested in what my odds are though, then other than that they're not they're not taking bets on the climate range maybe that's because the national broadcaster paid for your entry mat maybe maybe we'll we'll pay for your entry. Thank you for your eight cents Yeah, in fact, next week we got to tune other fellow nominees is funeral mongers Claire Stevens from Mamma Mia is canceled will be joining us and also the queen of Adelaide comedy Georgie Carroll from the swab podcast will be co hosting with us next week. Coming up a little later on the podcast will cross live to Washington DC with nines, US correspondent and friend of the show Alison Petroski to find out what's what happened in America today. Like Did anything happen in America today? Who knows? Who knows if anything happened in America today? But first, here's a message from this week's sponsor.
Unknown Speaker 7:49
At Medibank private, we regret the recent data breach of our customers personal information. And while the hackers tried to convince us to pay their ransom as any of our customers trying to lower the cost of life saving medical treatment will tell you we never negotiate. That's why Medibank private is rebranding as of today will be known as Medibank public. So whether you have your first leaky bomb, like Phyllis Thompson of six fo in place Wangaratta or your third STI like gusta of Montague of 35 to brookstreet bonobo Queensland four to seven five whose blood type is so positive and mother's maiden name is Vaughn summer and has three points left on his license and is so heavily laden with debt that an extra $5,000 in fees won't make that much of a difference to him. TextFile number oh three one double 9381 You will get the same overpriced service without any more data breaches. Because it's too late. It's all out there now. Anyway. Medibank public, we feel better now that there's no more secrets.
Matt Bevan 8:47
Always good to have a sponsor on the show this week. First fear. There's a lobby group in Australia that's calling for Australians to boycott Netflix. That lobby group is the Australian monarchist League. Yes, they are calling on all right thinking Australians to boycott Netflix until they correct the falsehoods and inaccuracies about the royal family in the TV show the crown. Apparently Netflix has been spreading falsehoods that the royal family is actually interesting. fear mongers, can we forgive Netflix for embellishing just a little bit here.
Cam James 9:23
I think that they should the Monix league should just be grateful that anyone's talking about the Royals at all. Exactly. Did anyone else not give a shit about the Royals until this show? I've spent my entire life not caring now I'm so invested.
Matt Bevan 9:40
This is the thing that's going to keep the Royals in power. This is the thing that's going to keep Australia in the Commonwealth. It's actually vital for the Royals to stay in this show because as long as people are wanting more seasons of the show, obviously they'll need to keep the monitor going.
Lewis Hobba 9:56
If I was a real family, I'd be just be so happy that they'd made me hot.
Cam James 10:01
So hot. So hot. So like,
Lewis Hobba 10:04
I've watched the royal wedding or whatever, like, I mean, I've seen the news clips. There's no one hot family. They're all like weed inbred freaks. It's got. They've got super hot people playing them. I would be honored to have somebody that hot playing me
Matt Bevan 10:21
love this line from YouTube comments. Pete Lola says, I thought the crown was about the moment of birth. Thank you.
Cam James 10:28
I was watching the first season when it came out. And I just started thinking, oh my god, Princess Margaret was so beautiful. She's like, the most beautiful person in the world. And when I looked her up for rail, am I Oh?
Lewis Hobba 10:43
Did the Monica have a thought on? Mary Harry, Gemma, that reality show? Yeah, I don't know if it's on Netflix. But it's must watch television. If anyone hasn't gotten around to it. As soon as you finish the crown pop over to marry Harry, they find a Prince Harry look alike. And then put him in a castle and get a bunch of women to come and they say that they're going to get to marry Prince Harry. And that's the whole show. And I think in my personal opinion, it deserves more awards than the crowd. When critics snubbed it.
Cam James 11:14
It's some. It's like the bachelorette or something. The guide doesn't really look like Prince Harry. He just has ginger hair. So they only ever see him from about 300 meters away. So it's just like him scurrying from a helicopter to the castle. And the host is like there he is. And the girls like oh my god. The reason
Matt Bevan 11:33
I would boycott the crown is because of the things that they leave out rather than the things that they put in. I mean, they date just skated straight past the constitutional crisis of 1975 without a mention of you know, the palace letters and the interaction with John Korea and that kind of thing. They didn't mention that they've already gone well past its royal knockout. They didn't touch on the time that the Royals decided to delve into their own reality television show do they actually get like one of the Royal no no to perform in several royal it's a knockout several really Yeah, yeah. So I believe it was the late 80s and look I'm not an entire expert on this but I believe it's a great it's a knockout was kind of like you know, the show where they you know, they're running and there's a big pool of water and the people are trying to jump from you know, obstacle obstacle into area like Ninja Warrior. It's like clown ninja warrior. Yeah, like why they had several royal family members participating in this thing in an effort to make them seem more personable
Cam James 12:31
by having them on a reality Ninja Show. more personable and
Matt Bevan 12:35
they didn't touch it. I just went straight past it into diner Yeah, there were there's a reason why they couldn't touch it right you know, it's an Darrell sermon still owns the rights to it. They couldn't they couldn't possibly do it. And if they were to do it, Darrell Summers would have to host it. They couldn't get someone to play Darryl so it's impossible.
Lewis Hobba 12:53
They went right past when all the Royals put on blackface and danced on Hey, Gerald had the rights to that. I went to the Saudi Prince Harry was actually dressed as a Nazi and the rest of them are.
Cam James 13:07
Adolf Hitler in the Jackson jive. I remember that. Gong memorandum and
Lewis Hobba 13:13
thankfully, they actually had a few knots a uniform since most of them ah, it was pretty. I had that in the closet to hand me down.
Matt Bevan 13:22
I went to the anarchists moniker, or the anarchists monitor.
Lewis Hobba 13:27
When I was a kid, I downloaded the monarchists cookbook. I don't know what it would be diaper but it was just scarred. It's just
Matt Bevan 13:33
scones and sticky date that can blow apart your anus. No, stop it. Look, I don't know who is in the Australian monikers League, but I just want to give them all a wedgie. So I went to the website to find out a little bit more about them. And you know, the websites pretty good. And the merch page has some great merch, like for instance, you can buy a brief history of our constitutional development as a nation for $10. Isn't that isn't that great? Just a fantastic book $10 to get a brief history, you can also buy a portrait of the King. I bought two because there's only $5 Why would you pay for that? Oh, you know, you can ask for your local MP for one for free. Well, technically, they're giving good they're giving it to you for free. So you can get a free version, you just have to pay for shipping. So I use the Patreon money. And I will give it
Lewis Hobba 14:24
in you've got to stop telling people how you're spending it. Yeah, you're starting to sound like Bridget McKenzie.
Cam James 14:30
Behind the curtain. Yeah,
Matt Bevan 14:32
but if you become a patreon supporter, I will mail it to you. So you actually get it. That's great. That's so many this week. If you subscribe, you'll get a free portrait the King who knows if there's any one of you, maybe you'll get two portraits of the king. But the thing about the merch page that I really liked was that the heading said animal products
Cam James 15:00
Okay, now I'm on board with the lake
Lewis Hobba 15:04
I've got princely Papa.
Unknown Speaker 15:08
rational fear the real shows Queen Elizabeth performing a Nazi salute his journey from the heart of the British Royal Family to Hitler's inner circle Duke of
Unknown Speaker 15:17
Sussex was called out when he was photographed wearing a Nazi uniform to a costume parties that
Unknown Speaker 15:22
we know is the royal family a racist family, sir, you're listening to a very rational fear.
Matt Bevan 15:29
This week second fear Sylvester Stallone is making a reality TV show is about his family or as the Daily Mail put it in the headline. Sylvester Stallone 76 poses with his stunning daughters as they prepare to become the next Kardashians with their Paramount plus show. Wow, Cam your life's work has been circling around the oeuvre of Sylvester Stallone, is this enough for you to sign up to Paramount
Cam James 15:55
plus? No, unfortunately not.
Lewis Hobba 15:58
Do you think they have the rights to calling it Sly and the Family Stone
Cam James 16:03
slime family Stallone,
Matt Bevan 16:05
that's better than one I had. I had Rambo's drags race, but
Cam James 16:09
I've got because he's been going through marital issues at the moment. So I've got rocky on the rocks. I have the father and the Expendables for that's probably that's probably enough. Yeah.
Matt Bevan 16:30
I also had sideling up to the stones and also Rocky 10 through 200. So
Cam James 16:38
I'm fascinated his daughters have beautiful names. One of his daughters names is sistine Oh, wow,
Lewis Hobba 16:45
thank you know how some people will name their child after where they work. You think he fucked in the chapel?
Matt Bevan 16:53
That would be challenging.
Lewis Hobba 16:58
If he's being honest, don't look. Watch me do my
Matt Bevan 17:01
thing. Everyone's staring at the ceiling in that chapel. So I suppose.
Cam James 17:06
Sure. No one's looking at no one's looking at dad.
Matt Bevan 17:09
Instead of doing it as a Kardashians knockoff, rather more it's royal knockout style stuff. I would like to see Sylvester Stallone and his children attempting to, you know, getting beaten up by foam implements.
Lewis Hobba 17:26
I don't think you can take another head. No, no. One more head knock. And that's it. Yeah, that's
Matt Bevan 17:32
that's probably the reason why they've gone with the Kardashians. The there's very few, you know, brain injuries involved in the Kardashian show from what I've seen,
Lewis Hobba 17:42
but yeah, it's low on.
Cam James 17:43
We all make fun of Sylvester Stallone. But we all forget that he's an Oscar winner. And he's written. You know, Oscar winning screenplays. A lot of screenplays directed a lot of fantastic films. This TV show could be amazing. I mean, he could win a low GI. I don't know. Anything's possible he could win a low GI with this.
Matt Bevan 18:03
One. Is that one of the things in the EGOT you're trying to, you know, get.
Cam James 18:11
Did you read The Hollywood Reporter profile on him this week? No. What did it say? It's really fantastic. He's talking about this show and this new series that he has coming out also on Paramount plus, called Tulsa King. At one point he says Everyone thinks I'm just some rich guy who lives a rich guy life, but I'm just a normal guy. In fact, I was sitting around with Denzel Washington the other day or both just talking about how we normal gods.
Matt Bevan 18:37
That's what Lewis and I do when we hang out together. We're just normal. Normal 76 year old with a 20 year old daughter.
Unknown Speaker 18:43
It's totally normal. irrational fear. You think I'm a loser? I'm a loser. I like being a loser. I made a profession out of being a loser. You're a loser.
Matt Bevan 18:55
This week's third year, Ukraine has been invaded by a new force. Sean Penn Yes, in the hopes to boost morale of Ukrainian soldiers, Sean Penn met with Vladimir Zelensky and gave him one of his Oscar trophies. Among is what is the Lensky going to do with Sean Penn's Oscar trophy.
Lewis Hobba 19:14
I just have to get this out of the way. I think this could be the turning point in the whole war. As we all know, the pen is mightier than the sword. Yeah,
Matt Bevan 19:26
I must have a sandwich at it. I mean, my latest series of my podcast is all about Zelinsky and Putin and that kind of thing. And so I've been really digging right into
Lewis Hobba 19:38
and mines all about Sean Penn. So
Matt Bevan 19:42
but, you know, there's a famous quote, of course from Zelinsky when people were asking him to leave the country to flee cave as the Russian army was approaching. He very famously said, I need weapons, not a right. But I've actually been digging deeper and deeper into Isn't that's the incorrect quote. The correct quote is I need weapons not a ride but also an Oscar trophy would be great. I need a copy of milk Mystic River to plays. Yeah.
Cam James 20:13
I think other celebs should jump on the bandwagon and give out other awards. They've won, you know, absolutely lost her Buster awards. Maybe Lisa McCune could give away a few of her gold logo.
Lewis Hobba 20:25
Dan, do you right now to support the people of Kyiv pledge to donate your Australian podcaster why
Matt Bevan 20:33
I would not only give, give them these two. But I'll give them the new one. If we get another one. Wow, that boost morale like that. I think we need to contact Lockheed Martin and ask whether they're, you know, long distance artillery launches, have an attachment for trophies. You know, we've said if they wanted to send some Putin's way, you know, teach them and miss it and teach them a lesson. There's only one trophy you need to send and that is Arias because they're really, they're gonna, they'll they'll get you. They'll get you. When we come back. We'll be talking to Allison Petroski live from Washington DC.
Unknown Speaker 21:07
This is a rational view, rational fear.
Matt Bevan 21:13
Louisa, I'm just pausing the podcast for just one second to let you know that
Lewis Hobba 21:17
we're asked to do a different podcast.
Matt Bevan 21:21
It's really good. That's why they are number one. That's why they're number one. I'm just letting you know that you have a TV show on. But because it is only one episode, you might not be able to financially look after yourself and your forthcoming child.
Lewis Hobba 21:35
Dan, if I had a million television shows and one of them was survivor, I still wouldn't be able to deal with my money well enough to pay for this child.
Matt Bevan 21:43
I've got some good news. We do have a sponsor for irrational fear. So I can help you pay for your child or we can help you pay for your child's with the great people at Australian ethical who are chipping in to help us pay for this podcast. Thank you, Australian ethical, these people have been running money since 1986. Running money. It sounds like running drugs, doesn't it?
Lewis Hobba 22:02
Well, it was only six, there is a good chance that they made their first million from cocaine. But it's
Matt Bevan 22:06
unlikely because their names are Australian ethical. They spend their money putting it into good things, good things like health care, education, renewable energy, they stay away from things like cocaine, fossil fuels, gambling, tobacco, all that stuff disappears. And it's really it's really exciting. They align with our values and we align with their values.
Lewis Hobba 22:29
That's amazing, because I am not with them. Currently, I've only just found out about this. I'm here finding out about this right now. But I do need to know this because I have recently been at the my super fun. I won't name it because I don't know if I'm allowed, but their trash. They've just increased they're invested in fossil fuels.
Matt Bevan 22:43
Yeah, I think you and I, we are with the same super fund. And if you want to know who that super fund is just go check out my Twitter feed.
Lewis Hobba 22:48
Yeah, just go and check out our previous work in the hospitality industry,
Matt Bevan 22:52
or the super funds in Australia, the top 15 have been rapidly, divesting their, their fossil fuel stakes.
Lewis Hobba 23:00
Well, I'm thrilled to hear about this, Dan. And I do hope that all of the other big organizations that are divesting in fossil fuels, consider investing in irrational.
Matt Bevan 23:11
Thank you Australian ethical, super, super work, no pun intended. Pun intended to do that. And we'll get back to the podcast. And we're back. Joining us now is Alison Petroski from Washington DC and Channel Nine. Hello, Alison. Good morning. I know it's a no it's very early there.
Alison Piotrowski 23:32
Yeah, I don't know if I thought it was evening. I realize it's 4am in the morning now. Good morning. Good evening, guys. I don't know what day it is what? But it's it's been an interesting 24 hours.
Matt Bevan 23:43
Yeah, it's anything happened in America. We should be aware of anything going on there.
Alison Piotrowski 23:48
It's it's been really quiet. Actually. I haven't seen it this quiet for such a long time.
Matt Bevan 23:54
Now, the midterms that have happened over the last little bit last 24 hours. I don't know if you saw this clip. Allison has been going around the internet. There's not only kind of allegations of Russia interfering, but also allegations of Australians interfering in the US elections. Let me show you this.
Unknown Speaker 24:11
We need to save America before we can save Australia. So this is I've come here to sacrifice three months of my life to support mega the mega candidates. I've been to Arizona and New Mexico and Florida. And for me, it's just important that in order to save Australia, I wanted to be here to make sure that that we get the right people over the line
Matt Bevan 24:35
that is just some guy called Greg Smith, who just happened to get in front of the camera. Some dude in America, just
Cam James 24:42
Greg Smith.
Matt Bevan 24:46
Riggs is on the ground. Allison, have you managed to get an interview with Greg Smith?
Alison Piotrowski 24:50
Well, this is actually quite funny because I put that little bit that you played I put that in a package that we ran on our news bulletin last night and I actually went on a deep dive searching for great Excuse me, and I mean any Ozy as you know, well know that it is impossible to find something but what I found many people call Greg Smith, I can't find this particular one. But Greg Smith, if you're listening Nine News would love to have a chat. Walk us through your journey for the last three months. I'm fascinated. This
Matt Bevan 25:19
sounds like the plot of a Comedy Mystery podcast.
Alison Piotrowski 25:25
He realizes right that that he's not an American, and that he can't vote and that I'm just fascinated. Does he not have a job? Does he not have a family? Like, how would you paid for this tree? Look
Lewis Hobba 25:39
at that guy. Question. Allison. That guy doesn't have he has no one who loves him.
Matt Bevan 25:47
He's also had some mixed results as well. I mean, he doesn't seem to have delivered in Arizona. New Mexico doesn't seem to be going that well, for Republicans. I mean, seems to it seems like he hit his stride when he got to Florida and really delivered for for Magga. When he got there. Yeah, that they've done well, yeah.
Alison Piotrowski 26:02
It has been pretty decisive moment for the for the Magga candidates in that they've completely flopped in these midterms. It has been so interesting. And what will be interesting is when we wake up tomorrow, what the Republican party going to do, because we saw Ron DeSantis, who is quite probably their strongest candidate to be on the 2024 ticket. He had a resounding victory as the governor of Florida today, and I think it will, he will turn around to the party and say I am the man to lead you to the next election, not Donald Trump, and particularly not after Donald Trump's carry on today where he was suggesting that there were issues with certain counties, ballots, there were certain there were certain technical issues in in some counties in Pennsylvania and Arizona, but they were really minor and he and carry like absolutely tried to weaponize them and try and throw a cloud over the whole midterm election. And I feel like perhaps Today America finally saw through it, it felt like they really did vote for their candidates. And they weren't paying any attention to some of the conspiracy theories that had been floated around this country like a virus I guess for the last two years.
Matt Bevan 27:13
You mentioned Kerry Lake, I saw this clip of her being asked if she would run for president, obviously yesterday before she's now lost her her bid. And she's got a she had a pretty threatening stance about the media.
Unknown Speaker 27:26
If Donald Trump Announces as expected to be president and you win the governorship of Arizona, you're likely to be talked about as a VP. Candidate. Will you? Do you plan to serve your entire term in Arizona? Are you open to being the VP?
Unknown Speaker 27:39
Are you new covering this race? Because we've talked about this before? We've talked about this? I've answered his questions. I am going to not only be the governor of Arizona for four years, I'm going to do two terms. I'm going to be your worst freaking nightmare for eight years, and we will reform the media as well. We're going to make you guys into journalists again. So get ready. It's gonna be a fun eight years. I can't wait. Hey, guys,
Matt Bevan 28:03
you're gonna be turned into a journalist again, Alison. But the good news is she didn't get back in so you can just go back to whatever you're doing before. She even planned around
Alison Piotrowski 28:12
the best body. She was a journalist for a good 27 years. I mean, well, I lose. I use that term loosely. She She hosted the local Fox News in Phoenix, Arizona for 27 years. So she was in the media. She was the face of Fox News. And she was a face for those local people who believe that she was always telling them the truth. So the carry like Journey is so fascinating how she's managed to absolutely flip this and really target the media. But I guess she's eating a word right now because it does not look like she's going to walk away with that gubernatorial ship, as they call it. I find fascinating. But just call it the run for governor.
Matt Bevan 28:50
Were you excited to say the word gubernatorial Allison like I you know, for me, that's such a great word. gubernatorial.
Alison Piotrowski 28:57
I love the word but I've actually made sure I've not put it in my coverage because what is the girl talking about? And they would?
Lewis Hobba 29:09
Allison, there was one quote that I was wondering if you'd seen an mme show, I imagine you would have been across this one, which was Donald Trump giving his thoughts on the Republican sort of votes today. Word for word. He was like, if they win, I should get the credit. If they lose, it's not my fault.
Alison Piotrowski 29:28
Don't you think we should all just be leaving out last
Cam James 29:32
Friday, great motto.
Lewis Hobba 29:35
There are things about him that I don't miss. And there are every now and again, they're things I'm like, Oh, he's good. He's really good.
Matt Bevan 29:41
That's what Lewis says to ITA after looking at the iView ratings for Australia's biggest competition competition. I'm bit disappointed actually in that because usually it's if they win, it's because of me if they don't, it's because they didn't listen to me is generally the way that he describes it, but I'm staggered that Ron DeSantis has gone so well and that his You know, his backers have gone so well, throughout Florida given Donald Trump viciously took him down by calling him Ronda sanctimonious. I mean, how can you come back for a burn like that?
Lewis Hobba 30:11
Not as good. Not as many as you like, just go with more on, you know, just keep it simple.
Matt Bevan 30:16
Allison, can you tell us who is the biggest loser of this midterm election? Do you think?
Alison Piotrowski 30:21
I think Donald Trump and I think because he got so excited yesterday, and he announced his announcement, he announced that he was going to be announcing on November 15 at Mar a Lago we all know that means he's going to throw his hat into the ring for the presidency. He's backed himself into a corner now. And I think had he held off and waited 24 hours, he wouldn't have been putting that date out there. I think he probably would have been going back having a bit of a think about it and maybe pushing it a year down the track. So I think he shot himself in the foot. And that makes him the biggest loser. And the biggest winner, who and the biggest one, I think Ron DeSantis. I think, truly he is shaping up to be the man that will be leading the Republican ticket in 2024. And all jokes aside, I saw him in Florida as I was covering hurricane Ian last month. And he did show that he could lead I mean, he really was embraced by the people. He invited Joe Biden down. They work together, he showed that he wasn't going to be a baby like Donald Trump was, you know, he did the bipartisan thing. And He showed that he could do that. That was the first step today, he's had a resounding win for governorship. And that is normally a pretty big tick. When you progress in progressing forward to throwing your hand up for the presidency. I daresay we will see him announced that he's running within the next two to three months.
Cam James 31:37
And can I ask do we know who would win in it's a knockout?
Alison Piotrowski 31:44
Carry like man.
Matt Bevan 31:49
I was Alison, what do you make of the results for the Democrats, though, which Democrats have done well, in which Democrats have underperformed a little bit have perhaps been a little bit disappointing in not quite making it across the line?
Alison Piotrowski 32:03
For the last three days? All I've been saying is Oh, potential red wave potential red wave. So the fact that we haven't seen that is a huge windfall Democrats, even though they will probably still lose the house, which normally you would say is a big loss. Originally, we were talking about 60 seats, then it was coming down to 20 seats. Now, they can't even quite get five seats yet. They'll probably do it in the next couple of days. I can't think of a particular I'm trying to think Oh, Gretchen Whitmer has been pretty outstanding. She had a pretty decisive victory over tutor vixen. Tutor, Dixon. Guys, I've been up for 24 hours. I'm taking my makeup off. Me Up.
Lewis Hobba 32:46
There is no group of people with more insane names in American politics.
Alison Piotrowski 32:50
And you're like, tell me the best Democrat. I can't remember my own name right now.
Matt Bevan 32:56
Listen, we will let you get to bed. Thank you so much for joining us. Appreciate it. All right. Well, that is it for rational fear. The thank you to all of our Patreon supporters, including sheepy who asked Matt Bevin a question I'd love it if tonight we'll get an update from Matt Bevin as to how the plans for his Trevi che centrifuge are going. And this is of course referencing a tweet of yours, Matt from last month where you said you're going to crowdfund a centrifuge so bigger can chuck stuff into the sun, which is I think playing off playing off an idea that people are going to launch missiles in space spacecraft into space with NASA using centrifuge how your plans going Yeah, look, it's tricky Dan, because I do like to announce big plans on on Twitter. One of my big plans was to because the feed in tariff is so dreadful of solar panels that you're getting at the moment I was intending to set my set up my own Aluminium Smelter in my backyard use the electricity for that make my own aluminium you then I was going to use the profits from that to make this giant central flute centrifuge that can fling things into space. So yeah, that's that's the update on that on that situation. Waiting for approval for the Aluminium Smelter and waiting for the shipment. Evaluated sanctions with Russia getting in the way of all these things. It's massive problem so that's okay. We're setting a lot of I understand in Newcastle all you got to do is sponsor the Newcastle Knights and you get stuff approved pretty quick. That's true.
Cam James 34:29
Good. Yeah. Change the stadium name to centrifuge.
Lewis Hobba 34:35
Like the whole stadium,
Matt Bevan 34:36
yeah. Let's get our plugs underway. Matt Bevin, what would you like to plug? Oh, thank you, Dan. I would very much like to plug the new series of podcast. If you're listening into a call. It's called Russia if you're listening and we are looking at the war between Ukraine and Russia and looking into why it happened. Now. The effects But it's having on all of us. And we're trying to figure out some of the different ways that it could potentially end. I'm really happy with the series and I hope that Yeah, well, it's launching its launch this week. So we'll see whether people like it or not just sunlight comedy listening. Yeah, I'm Cam James, would you like to plug?
Cam James 35:19
Will I do very similar journalism to Matt. I have a new web series. That's an investigative comedy series called Finding Yeess. I've found a bizarre video game on the Internet called Kanye quest. No one knows the identity of the creator of this game. But urban legend is that it was created by a New Age religion, based out of California, who were using the video game to recruit new members. So myself and Alexei teleoperator spent about a year and a half investigating this video game and Colt.
Matt Bevan 35:56
It is so good. That is properly so funny and so enjoyable. I wish there was like another 10 episodes. Thank you cam, you made something so beautiful.
Cam James 36:04
Oh, thanks, Dan. Thanks so much. I hope people like
Lewis Hobba 36:07
once you've watched finding Yeezus you should also go back and listen to actually a podcast. It's very similar to that. It's a it is about a war between America and Russia. In a way. It is about Rocky. Ivan Drago, yes, the greatest war ever fought.
Cam James 36:25
Finding Drago, we'd go deep on that stuff. We I'm a big sci fi fan. I'm looking forward to signing up for Paramount plus for a month to watch the show. And then getting rid of it
Lewis Hobba 36:36
three more times. They'll give you a free subscription.
Matt Bevan 36:40
I'm a big fan of the alabaster wars and I wish there was a was a podcast series on that.
Cam James 36:44
Me too. Louis, you should plug your show. Oh, yeah.
Lewis Hobba 36:48
Oh, yeah. I think I plugged it. I played it last week. But if you've never listened this podcast before, and you're just joining us. Yes, I have a television show. It's upstairs a television special. It's called Australia's best competition competition with my friend and radio co host Michael hing where we enter a bunch of weed competitions all around the country to find Australia's best it's really fun.
Cam James 37:08
I watched it and it was fucking great. It was I loved it so good, man.
Lewis Hobba 37:12
Thank you appreciate that.
Matt Bevan 37:13
Very very Oh,
Lewis Hobba 37:16
he nearly got this very
Matt Bevan 37:16
very good. What he was gonna say very fair reward just cut out we'll never know
Cam James 37:30
we'll never know how Dan fields
Matt Bevan 37:32
Wow, you can actually hear me
Lewis Hobba 37:34
oh we just we didn't get we didn't quite get to the adjective we knew was very very simple Alright, Louis, you're very, very time for that is
Cam James 37:56
a that's a cliffhanger. That's really good storytelling.
Lewis Hobba 38:01
You'll have to subscribe to Russia for his Patreon to find out what Dan thinks that my television special. It's behind the paywall. His thoughts are too big thank you to always say big thank you to rode bikes, to our guests Matt Bevin to Cameron James, to Jacob brown on the Tepanyaki timeline. And don't forget there's always something to be scared of good nights.
Matt Bevan 38:25
Did you think Australian as I go, Oh, fuck
Lewis Hobba 38:28
I didn't say
Matt Bevan 38:33
thank you. It was Friday if they go. Thank you Redbox. And Lewis did such a great job and can I say your TV show was very much like a TV show. See you next week.
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